
Archive for August 8th, 2006

Are you concerned about how often and when Amber Alerts should be issued?

Are you worried how Law Enforcement resources are used to find missing or abducted children?

Are you saddened with the news of every abducted child?

Scenario 1:

Imagine you are sitting around a table, you’re playing Monopoly, you pick a Community Chest card and receive the get out of jail free card. Later you pass GO, collecting your $200. You now become excited and thrilled to decide whether you should buy Boardwalk or Park Place. This used to be a big decision in the burbs.

jail card

Scenario 2:

Imagine you are out shopping, you see a teenager being snatched off the street and thrown in the trunk of a car. The driver slowly leaves and you try not to panic. You make a decision to call 911 for help, praying they will be found safe.

How surprised would you be to learn in each scenario, you were an active participant in a game?

St. George police officers don’t find anything amusing about a game that requires you to “kidnap” your friends.

On Friday night, a woman called 911 claiming she saw a group of two men grab a teenage boy and throw him in the trunk of a car in front of a Wal-Mart store in the Bloomington area.

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