
Archive for August 21st, 2006


In this mid-term election year, have any Politicians called with and/or left prerecorded messages on your phone? Terry Randall, a Republican candidate for the Florida State Senate, is using these messages and describes them as “fun”. The calls are placed to as many as 43,000 homes. The practice is defended as a cost effective way to reach undecided voters.

However some receiving the calls hang up immediately when they discover it is a prerecorded message or don’t find them to be funny. Ironically, politicians are immune when it comes to do not call registries.

Similar technologies are used by companies such as CodeRed and A Child is Missing Organization with one twist. They use a pre recorded message sent to 50k-60k targeted homes to deliver emergency information or Amber Alert information.  The practice is praised for its success rate in the recovery of missing children. 

Why is it when the discussion turns toward Amber Alerts, politicians, law enforcement and others debate how often to issue them for fear of desensitizing the public?  They don’t seem to have issues in the overuse of technology when it protects their interests? Don’t these ads desensitize the public?

There is a reason 100 million people have registered with the national do not call registry.

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